Love, Joy, Peace...
Please fill out all the relevant details on this form. Candidates for baptism are sponsored by 'one or more baptized persons' - sponsors are referred to as godparents when we baptize infants.
Name (Required)
Email Address (Required)
Requested Date for Baptism
Service Time
8am (Rite 1 - no music)
9:30am (Praise Band; a shorter service)
10:30am (Rite 2 - organ and choir)
Name of Child or Adult being baptized (Required)
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Family Address
Family Landline (if applicable)
If you're still using a landline please add it here - otherwise Cell Numbers should go with the Father or Mother.
For Adults being baptized: Your Email
For Adults being baptized: Your Cell
Father's Full Name
Father's and Mother's details are for Infants being baptized.
Father's Email
Father's Cell Phone
Mother's Full Name
Mother's Maiden Name
Optional - but this is helpful for genealogists when they trace family trees through church records.
Mother's Email
Mother's Cell Phone
Godfathers/mothers or 'Sponsors' - and baptism details
Please list the God Parents or Sponsors, along with their date and place of baptism. There should be one or more.
Please fill out all the relevant details on this form. Candidates for baptism are sponsored by 'one or more baptized persons' - sponsors are referred to as godparents when we baptize infants.